The week before our cold snap of last week the instrumentation for the weather station was completed. The station is now online according to the information provided by Mr. Mejia of Old Woman Creek (see below).
The next step will be to make this station available to popular internet based weather stations that our community will have immediate access to. This will give our community a direct measurement of weather conditions occurring on our campus 24/7.
Access to the raw data is available via a link provided below.
Mr. Rowlinson's 7th grade students will now have another set of data to compare with the students real time measurements and observations as part of their weekly weather monitoring observations.
Two high school students along with Mr. Starkey and Mr. Rowlinson will be "trained" on the parameters of downloading from the station and ensuring the instruments are functioning accurately.
This station will give our students experiences with analyzing real time data while comparing measurements from various instruments to ensure accurate data is being collected. These are definitely real life issues with problem solving implications as well as linked to main ideas driving STEM instruction.
We are WR!
The Western Reserve weather station is live and transmitting data (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and barometric pressure). Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) and precipitation sensors are not currently deployed as we wait for parts to arrive. The last week of November is when we anticipate having all parameters operational. Live data is viewable here:, station name is OWCWRMET.